We started the Scott Tobolt Memorial Golf Tournament in 2004 to honor the person that Scott was and the impact he had on everyone that knew him.  When we realized how much of a success the tournament would be we partnered with Moorhead Youth Hockey Association to help kids have a chance to try hockey with minimal expense.

MYHA has embraced the program and done an excellent job in honoring Scott and making his presence a permanent fixture at the rink.  At the Moorhead Youth Hockey Arena, Scott’s number 17 is on the wall of the main entrance along with a picture of Scott during his rookie year.  There is a sticker with the number and the initials ST placed on the lease helmets.  The sticker logo is also on display on the sheet of ice in the south rink.  The people in charge of the lease program do an excellent job of explaining to the parents at the beginning of the year where the money comes from and what type of person Scott was.  Anytime parents tell their friends that their kids can play hockey for the first few years without the expense of buying equipment, they are quick to add that it is because of Scott Tobolt and his memorial that the equipment is free.  The program has been gaining recognition throughout the state and across the river.

The Tobolt Equipment Lease program is funded by the Scott Tobolt Memorial Golf Tournament and our corporate partners and other fundraising channels through the non-profit Scott Tobolt Foundation.   This program is intended to lease hockey equipment to kids in the mite, 8U, and rookie levels.  Although this program is largely benefiting kids in the MYHA program, it is not run or controlled by the MYHA.  All issues and requests must come through the Tobolt Hockey Lease committee.


If you have any questions, please contact us at ScottToboltFoundation@gmail.com.


Scott Tobolt Foundation